FLAHS Library

  • Campus

    Gnanagangothri Campus
  • Used By

    Students, Faculty / Staff, Research


Established in 2018, this library caters to the Faculty of Management and Commerce as well as the Faculty of Life and Allied Health Sciences. 

Spanning 2,500 sq. ft., the spacious and centrally located library has a collection of over 3,000 learning resources in the disciplines of management, commerce, and life and health sciences. The library aims to facilitate convenient and user-friendly access to current, global, and relevant information by identifying, acquiring, organising, and retrieving information in various formats (print and non-print). In doing so, we hope to serve the information needs of the academic fraternity at RUAS and help them meet their teaching, research, consulting, training, and learning goals. 


  • Circulation Service
  • Reference Service
  • Library Orientation
  • Inter Library Loan
  • ICT Enabled Service
  • Remote Access Service
  • Swayam Learning Center
  • Library Extension Services

Circulation Service

The circulation section is the nerve center of the library. It offers library staff the opportunity to interact directly with readers. The service rendered must not only be efficient but also courteous. The performance of the circulation section makes or mars the reputation of a library. 

The circulation section is responsible for the following items of the work:

  • Registration of readers
  • Issue and return of books and other reading materials
  • Sending reminders for overdue books
  • Realization of overdue charges and maintenance of accounts
  • Reservation of books
  • Maintaining circulation statistics.

Reference Service

Reference service is considered the heart of library services. 

It is a process of establishing contact between a reader and a book in a personal way. The librarian tries to assist the reader in finding the book or information which they want. They also make relevant resources available to readers in a prominent way.

A good reference service is believed to be the reflection of a good collection.

Library Orientation

Library Orientation includes providing guidance and instructions to readers on the proper use of library collections and services. 

The user education program aims to make all users aware of the information resources available in the library and enables users to enjoy the search of information. 

Inter Library Loan

The library has established an inter library cooperation with other premier institutes for resource sharing. As per the Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs), students/​faculty members of the University can make use of the information resources available in partner libraries.

ICT Enabled Service

The Library and Information Center (LIC) offers the following additional services based on the users’ requirements and resources, and the facilities and staff available.

Institutional Repository

An Institutional Repository is a web-based database of the institute’s scholarly resources. It includes theses and dissertations, journal articles accepted for publication, seminar/​conference/​workshop papers and student projects. The main task of the Institutional Repository is to collect scholarly materials, and to store and disseminate them in digital format for wider use.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

The Online Public Access Catalogue consists of a collection of bibliographic records in machine-readable form, maintained on a dedicated computer that provides uninterrupted interactive access via terminals or workstations in direct, continuous communication with the central computer. Most OPACs are searchable by author, title, subject headings and keywords.


The library purchases CDs/​DVDs on different subjects. A computer facility is provided in the library for users to make use of these digital resources. 

E‑Mail Alerts

E‑mail alerts are sent for overdue books and also to announce new arrivals in the library.

Photocopying services

Any reference from books/​periodicals of the library — if found to be important by faculty members and students — can be photocopied in the library at a nominal cost. Printouts from e‑resources can also be provided, if required. For maintenance of Xerox machines and purchase of photocopying paper, a nominal amount may be charged.

Internet Service

The library offers internet service for a few computers and is connected with broadband. This allows readers to access online journals, books and databases.

Mobile App

The Library Mobile App allows users to search for information on books, e‑books, e‑journals and other e‑resources. Compared to the more traditional book searching methods of using desktop PCs or laptop computers to log on to library web sites, the app is more convenient and quick. 

Remote Access Service

Remote login access to e‑resources helps users access their desired information from wherever they may be. It offers an opportunity for the best use of the electronic information resources and provides easy access to the multiple resources the library has subscribed to.

Swayam Learning Center

SWAYAM is a programme initiated by the Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of the Education Policy, namely — access, equity, and quality. 

The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching and learning resources to all. SWAYAM seeks to bridge the digital divide for students who remain untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy.

The SWAYAM Learning Center is dedicated to run 32 DTH channels of high-quality educational programmes on a 24/7 basis. Every day, there will be new content for at least (4) hours. This is then repeated 5 more times in the day, allowing students to choose a time of their convenience.

Library Extension Services

New Arrivals Display

Displaying new books allows library users to catch up on new trends. Users can familiarize themselves with the latest developments in their interested field. As and when the library purchases new titles, the same are displayed in the New Arrival Stand” for the benefit of readers.

Book Exhibition

Exhibitions on specific topics help readers become aware of the kind of books available to them. To popularize the library and to motivate users to read the books, the library arranges book exhibitions on different occasions like Founder’s Day, Library Day, Management Festival, Annual Function Day, etc.

Organizing Seminars/​Conference/​Workshops

The library organizes seminars/​workshops/​symposiums for library professionals to learn about the latest developments in the fields of information technology and resource sharing. These keep library professionals up to date and enables them to help readers in information searching.

Borrowing Entitlements for Staff and Students

Stack Section Books
CategoryNo. of BooksIssue Period
Teaching Faculty44 Month
Visiting Faculty44 Month
Non-Teaching Staff44 Month
Research Scholars21 Month
Students — PG215 days
Students — UG210 days
Reference Section Books
CategoryNo. of BooksIssue Period
Teaching Faculty43 days
Visiting Faculty43 days
Non-Teaching Staff43 days
Research Scholars11 day
Students — PG11 day
Students — UG11. day

Library Staff

Mr. Santhosha TLibrary Assistantsanthosha.​lib.​ss@​msruas.​ac.​in
Mr. Prabhakar RaoLibrary Assistantprabhakarrao.​lib.​et@​msruas.​ac.​in

General Rules and Regulations

  1. All students/​scholars and outsiders entering the Library shall deposit their bags and other belongings at the entrance. Only notebooks and the Library books to be returned will be allowed inside. Do not leave any valuables at the checkpoint. The library is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings. All files, books, and notebooks must be presented to the security guard at the checkpoint for inspection while leaving the Library. The Library does not permit any exception in the observance of this rule.
  2. Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library.
  3. Books removed from the shelves by students, if not required for reference, should be kept on the book trolley or on the table nearest to them. Please do not try to shelve them yourself. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
  4. Newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in its designated place.
  5. Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource. Books borrowed should be protected from rain, dust, insects, etc.
  6. Claim for Reference Shelf books should be made via entry in the Register maintained at the counter
  7. Reference books are issued to students overnight use only during examination time.
  8. Students who do not return the books issued for overnight use in time will not be issued any books for a period of 7 days.
  9. All students who want to return books issued on their names are advised to wait until the books are shown as cancelled against their names.
  10. Students are advised not to issue books to others on their names.
  11. Conversation and discussion disturbs the ambience at the library. Therefore, all are requested to maintain silence.
  12. All users are requested to keep their mobiles switched off or on silent mode in the Library.
  13. Beverages and eatables are not allowed inside the library.
  14. No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without prior permission.
  15. The Library reserves the right to call back any issued book/​item at any time.
  16. Feedback and suggestion books are available at the circulation desk.

Quick Links

Monday to Saturday 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM
Odd Saturdays: Holiday
Library remains closed on all Sundays and RUAS declared holidays