FDS Library

  • Campus

    Gnanagangothri Campus
  • Used By

    Students, Faculty / Staff, Research


The Library of the Faculty of Dental Sciences has a rich collection of books, national and international periodicals, student dissertations, library dissertations, CD/​DVDs, bound volumes, question banks, and magazines and newspapers. Course-related books and journals are procured on time and the collection is regularly updated with titles and quality material on various disciplines. Faculty members and students can borrow books from the Library for a stipulated period of time. 

The Library is equipped with wi-fi and offers users hassle-free access to e‑resources, such as the numerous online databases the Library has subscribed to. It also has sufficient reading and seating arrangements for reference as well as circulation services. 


  • Circulation Service
  • Reference Service
  • Library Orientation
  • Inter Library Loan
  • Current Awareness Service
  • Document Delivery Request
  • Open Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
  • Reprographic Services

Library Staff

Dr Shashidhara JLibrarianshashidhara.​lib.​ds@​msruas.​ac.​in
Mr Manjunatha KAssistant Librarian
Mr Yeshwanthraj UrsLibrary Assistant
Mr RamanaiahOffice Assistant
Mr GangadharaiahOffice Assistant

General Rules and Regulations

  • Strict and absolute silence shall be observed in the Library
  • Users are requested to keep their belongings at the counter near the entrance of the library 
  • Any kind of marking, underlining, clipping of library books is absolutely forbidden. Readers shall be held responsible for any damage done to the book belonging to the Library. They shall be required to replace such books OR pay the value thereof
  • The borrower will be responsible for loss or non-return of library books issued against their Library Membership Card
  • If any book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the person responsible must replace it with a new copy OR pay double the cost of the recent edition price along with handling charges OR will do as decided by the Librarian 
  • Under special circumstances, the Librarian may refuse to issue books OR recall the books already issued, without assigning any reason
  • Reference books, latest newspapers, magazines, journals and theses are not issued
  • The following conditions are to be followed for the renewal of books:
    • The book has to be produced in the Library for renewal
    • More than two renewals are not allowed
Weekdays 08:30 AM to 09:00 PM
Saturdays: 08:30 AM to 09:00 PM